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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Dynamic view model ASP.NET MVC using ExpandoObject

Introduction of Dynamic view model ASP.NET MVC using ExpandoObject

In this "Dynamic view model ASP.NET MVC using ExpandoObject" article I am going to explain about passing dynamic model to our view in mvc. Here I am trying to use "ExpandoObjects". This has been introduced in .NET 4.0 version. An ExpandoObject object helps us to add or remove members dynamically at runtime.

Note: This article is just to give a information on how we can use dynamic models in mvc using ExpandoObject. But I am strictly against this approach as we can handle these stuffs with different approach as well (without using "ExpandoObject", i will discuss those approaches in the coming weeks though).

Now lets dive in to the practical approach of using dynamic view model using ExpandoObject.

Lets create new classes - "Class" and "Student" to demonstrate this -
public class Class
 public int ClassID { get; set; }
 public string ClassName { get; set; }

public class Student
 public int StudentID { get; set; }
 public int ClassID { get; set; }
 public string StudentName { get; set; }
So now lets update the existing Homecontroller to use "ExpandoObject". So below is the updated code -

public ActionResult Index()
 dynamic mymodelDetails = new ExpandoObject();
 List classes = new List()
  new Class() {ClassID =1, ClassName = "Class1"},
  new Class() {ClassID =2, ClassName = "Class2"},
  new Class() {ClassID =3, ClassName = "Class3"}

 List students = new List()
  new Student() {StudentID = 100, ClassID =1, StudentName = "Student1"},
  new Student() {StudentID = 101, ClassID =1, StudentName = "Student2"},
  new Student() {StudentID = 102, ClassID =1, StudentName = "Student3"},
  new Student() {StudentID = 103, ClassID =2, StudentName = "Student4"},
  new Student() {StudentID = 104, ClassID =2, StudentName = "Student5"},
  new Student() {StudentID = 105, ClassID =3, StudentName = "Student6"}

 //mymodelDetails.Classes = new { Classes = classes }.ToExpando();
 //mymodelDetails.Students = new { Students = students }.ToExpando();

 mymodelDetails.Classes = classes;
 mymodelDetails.Students = students;

 return View(mymodelDetails);

So as you can see in the above code snippet, data are populated for these classes and two properties "Classes" and "Students" are added to my dynamic expandoobject - "mymodelDetails".

So these "ExpandoObject" properties are used in the existing Index.cshtml as below -

@model dynamic
    ViewBag.Title = "Home Page";

Class Details
<table> <tr> <th>ClassID</th> <th>ClassName</th> </tr> @foreach (PassingDynamicModel.Models.Class c in Model.Classes) { <tr> <td>@c.ClassID</td> <td>@c.ClassName</td> </tr> } </table> <br/> <br />
Student Details
<table> <tr> <th>StudentID</th> <th>StudentName</th> </tr> @foreach (PassingDynamicModel.Models.Student s in Model.Students) { <tr> <td>@s.StudentID</td> <td>@s.StudentName</td> </tr> } </table>

After Executing this we get output like below -

Dynamic view model ASP.NET MVC using ExpandoObject

Hope this article is useful.


  1. You can also include Display Templates tutorial in this example itself and that would add to your explanation of ExpandoObjects (suggestion)

  2. Good suggestion. Appreciated !! I will try to cover that in my coming posts..

  3. What about sending. Synamic object from a view to action method??

    1. If you want to post the data then use either TextBox or Hidden or Editor controls like below -

      @HTML.TextBoxFor(c => c.ClassID)
      @HTML.TextBoxFor(c => c.ClassName)

      and in post method you can use "FormCollaection" to get these values.


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